The Allens | Columbia, TN Family Photography
I am completely in love with sessions that are full of real moments with real people. I want families to basically forget I’m there taking photos and just enjoy being together. (Easy, no?)
This session is a great example of how I love for our time together to go! I will give your family directions on where to stand/what to do with your hands, and then I’ll give a few prompts. For example, in this session I asked the kids to give the baby (in mom’s tummy) a high five and to tell the baby their favorite ice cream flavor ;-) There was also tickling, chasing, and plenty of snuggles too. The thing you won’t hear me say often is, “Everyone smile at the camera!” I’ll get those smiles, but they won’t be forced one bit.
Reach out if you have questions about doing your own session like this one!